formerly Beacon Carmel
Sister Mary Theresa
Grant us, O Lord, the grace of opening our lives to all that you call us to be.

I was born at home in Barre, Vermont, in May, 1935. I have a French Canadian background, as did many of our neighbors in Barre. My mother, who had a deep devotion to St. Thérèse, dedicated me to her at my baptism.
I became aware that our Lord was present in the tabernacle when, in the fourth grade, Sister read us the life of St. Gemma Galgani. From that moment, I began attending daily Mass until the start of high school.
During my junior year in high school, I joined a volunteer class for nurses’ aides. We were trained to work in the various departments of the hospital, a work I enjoyed very much. I worked at the hospital during my junior and senior years as well as during the summer.
One vivid remembrance is of praying with a dying man who was all alone. I stayed with him for a long time. When I returned the next day, I found he had died. I felt great peace, grateful for the time I spent in his presence, praying to our Lord for him.
After high school graduation, I worked for eight years at the National Life Insurance Company in Montpelier. During those eight years I was engaged twice. Because of unforeseen circumstances with each young man and upon much advice, I had to break both engagements. Needless to say, this was a very painful time for me. However, I came to realize that in his divine Providence, God had something else in store for me.
I belonged to Our Lady’s Sodality in our parish and was able to confide in our priest chaplain. For a number of years I discerned to what it was that I was being called. During this time I visited several religious orders, but it was the life of prayer that finally drew me to the Carmelite Order. On November 21, 1961, I entered the Carmelite Monastery in Saranac Lake, NY and made my profession of vows on the Feast of Christ the King in 1963.
The Carmel of Saranac Lake eventually united with the monasteries of Barre, VT, and Beacon, NY, to form the Carmel of the Incarnation at Beacon, where I live today. On October 26, 2013, I celebrated my Golden Jubilee.
Grant us, O Lord, the grace of opening our lives
to all that you call us to be.