A Reflection by Sr. Michaelene

Recently, we closed our Night Prayer singing a version of the Hail Mary. I started thinking about Mary – sister, mother, friend – who gently accompanies us through life, and I remembered some of the times she seemed especially close to me.
The call came early in the morning, “Your mother is dying!” I had hoped I could be with her at this special time, and in a few minutes I was by her side – speechless, as I could not think of the words of any prayer. Finally, I remembered the Hail Mary – and how appropriate that was!
“Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.” Along with the Hail Mary came the memories of prayers my mother and I had shared – Mass, the rosary, novenas. Novenas closed with Benediction and the final hymn, “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name.” While I sang with enthusiasm, I often wondered what an “infa-net” looked like, and smiled as I quietly sang it that day, realizing that even spelled correctly, God’s “infinite domain” is hard to fathom!

My mother’s final hour was a journey with Mary, a woman who had befriended her during her life and was present to both of us during these last minutes. Not too surprising as Mary is always present in our lives.

We are so busy at times and frazzled by the endless distractions in our lives, but if we make room for this gentle woman, we will recognize her presence. Mary brings peace and comfort and we will look back on our lives, even the hardest times, with gratitude.
Don’t miss the opportunity of walking with Mary – she never comes alone! In the words of St John of the Cross:
The Wayfaring Virgin
Word in her womb,
comes walking your way –
haven’t you room?