A Reflection by Sr. Marjorie

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! I delight in singing the Easter hymns at Mass and the Divine Office during this glorious season. They are rich and generous with Alleluias. For fifty days all of creation seems to resound with new life and joy as the Church celebrates Christ’s victory over death, darkness, sin and evil.
Recently a friend ended her Easter card with: “I hope you are in high spirits this Easter season.” I must admit, my spirits haven’t felt too high this Easter. Is it right that I raise my voice in joyful Alleluias while others still live with unbelievable suffering? I am aware of the many people throughout the world who each day continue to walk with Jesus his final journey to Jerusalem. Their lives are filled with fear and trauma, heart-wrenching farewells to family, being uprooted from all that is familiar, imprisonment, and death.

Reflecting on the scripture passages of the Lord’s resurrection, I sense Jesus saying to me: “Raise your voice, sing a joyful song, allow your faith to ring loud and clear. Ponder the empty tomb. Let it dispel the darkness that shadows your joy and tempts you to doubt my Father’s promises.” No matter what division and violence I may find in our world, I have the assurance that Christ’s victory will always be the final victory, that ultimately light, goodness, justice, and new life will prevail.
I’ve come to see that it is an act of faith to let my heart rejoice and sing out the Easter Alleluias. In the spirit of communion, we are one with all God’s children as sisters and brothers. Through prayer my celebration of Jesus’ victory gives hope to those whose hearts are weary and courage to many whose lives are entrapped in Good Friday.
God gives us glimpses of the new life that awaits us. The bursting forth of spring leaves me speechless with wonder and praise. Nature in springtime echoes the astonishing event of Christ’s return from death. And so, my voice sings Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
