Pentecost Reflection

“Veni Creator Spiritus”
“Come Creator Spirit”
The opening words of Genesis, “The earth was a formless void. Darkness was over the surface of the deep. The Spirit of God hovered over the waters” never fail to evoke stirrings of new life in me, making my heart leap with expectant joy.
Why? Because I am convinced that this same Spirit is hovering over the chaos of our world and of our individual lives now. Biblical passages reveal the Spirit as the breath of God, a strong driving wind, a gentle breeze. The Creator Spirit, mystery of strength and tenderness, “hidden but glimmering in every act of truth and beauty” comes to us in various ways depending on our need, our disposition, and the grace of the moment. To invoke the Creator Spirit upon ourselves is to open ourselves to newness and to God vivifying and refashioning us in unexpected ways.

St. Cyril of Alexandria writes, “The Prophets enjoyed a profound illumination by the Holy Spirit, but the faithful enjoy more than only this illumination; the Holy Spirit dwells in us and remains with us. We are temples of the Holy Spirit, something that was never said of the Prophets.” We pray, come Creator Spirit, fill our hearts with your own self, knowing that each of us is a dwelling for the Divine.
A retreat master once shared with us that he would like to see himself as an aeolia harp, a musical instrument that is played only by the wind moving over its strings. His aspiration was to become as an aeolia harp whereby the song one sings becomes the song the Holy Spirit wants one to sing. In like fashion, our Carmelite Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity wrote of her desire to be like a lyre under the mysterious touch of the Holy Spirit, so that the Spirit might draw from it divine harmonies.
Pentecost hymns are rich in describing the Spirit’s presence in our lives; fount of life, flame of love, breath of God, light in darkness, sweet refreshment, dove of peace, friend and guide, strength in weakness, healer of wounds, comfort and solace in the midst of woe. Let us rejoice in the great gift of the Creator Spirit poured out on us anew and embracing the world this day of Pentecost.